Introducing Ike West

Eileen “Ike” West is the author of Away from Hannah’s Castle. In the early 1970’s West graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and received a Master of Arts degree from Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant. Over the past two decades, she has written essays on topics of interest to people on the frontiers of consciousness. These articles have been published in Belgium, the Netherlands and Italian magazines. Sample articles are included on the website:

Ike West lectures in both the US and Europe, sharing insight from both ancient and modern sources that fully illuminate the new bounds of consciousness-raising and spiritual expansion. When not traveling, she resides in the Austin area. During the past fifteen years, she has taught classes at the University of Texas, Austin. Her courses embrace various aspects of spiritual awakening as well as writing. West has maintained journals for thirty years of her adult life. These chronicles form the basis of her book, seminars and articles. She is currently working on a new novel set in ancient Greece.